Thursday, August 12, 2010

Top 10 Favorite Movies: 3 - Pulp Fiction

Quentin Tarantino is a mad scientist. When he first started directing films his objective seemed to be to deconstruct stories and but them together in a way that was entertaining and made the watcher pay close attention. Watching Reservoir Dogs for the first time, I spent the first part of the movie scratching my head.Pulp Fiction was a movie deconstructed and put back together all out of whack, and that's what makes it a great movie. I can't even imagine watching Pulp Fiction in chronological order.

Pulp Fiction is funny and violent. A perfect combination. It's not over the top in it's violence, but the visuals when violence is taking place are perfect. Samuel L Jackson was born to play Jules. It's probably plagued his career a little but I feel he doesn't mind. There are far too many memorable scene to comment on. I love Pulp Fiction! A Great Movie!

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