Wednesday, January 13, 2010

White Whale, Holy Grail!

I love it when someone can flip a story in the bible, a story you've heard hundreds of times, and give it to you in a new light. Rick McKinley started a series this past weekend about Jonah and managed to take a sunday school story and flip it into a story of Gods love for us. And I'm not saying he manipulated it in any way. He just brought a fresh set of eyes and a new perspective to a story I really hadn't thought about in a while because it's relevance to my life didn't seem to matter.

I really appreciate people who can shed new light on passages of the bible. There's a large chunk of the bible that I always find hard to seem how it's applicable to life today. And there are things in the old testament that doesn't jive with my thinking and more importantly with what Jesus preached and it's hard for me to wrap my head around these things. So when people like Rick McKinley come along and bring a fresh perspective, I love it.

God's word is good.

*note: The title of this post is taken from the great Mastodon song Blood and Thunder

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