Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Glass in the Tree

So I was listening to Dead Poetic's New Medicine while I was running this afternoon. The song Glass in the Tree has a line in it that always hit me.

"And I'll deserve every bit. because I'm not spiritual yet.
I'm just reading the lines they gave me from the pulpit."

This line always strikes me as interesting. I related to it at one point. It's really easy to go to church and have that be a spiritual dosage for the week. I've heard a lot of pastors lately really push their congregations to study the word themselves and ask questions. That their spiritual life is not the responsibility of the pastor.

I've fallen into the pit before of wanting the church to be teaching and challenging me but not spending my own time in the word. My perspective has shifted and I make sure I'm spending time reading the bible and praying and taking care of my relationship with God.

Church has become more of a community things for me. The sermon every week isn't always life changing and doesn't always speak to me in a personal way every week. Some weeks I'm distracted during the sermon and miss things. But I love going and worshipping with people who love God like me and are willing to accept me, faults and all.

Church isn't my spiritual all you can eat buffet for the week.

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