Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pressing On

I feel uncomfortable posting theological thoughts and ideas because my spiritual life is shaped and formed by my life and experiences and things don't always apply as a vast statement. This is my life and my thought process.

So last night I tweeted that God must get really frustrated with us. I got a response that said "That's what makes grace so amazing." And I couldn't agree more.

I feel like God will prompt and promise things and we wait for him to move. And even in those moments when we act on what's God's promise and prompting is but we never go far enough. We fail to take the obvious first step while we wait for God.

I feel that for a while God has been promising change in my life and it hadn't really seemed like anything was happening. Part of that was a lack of dedication and discipline in my spiritual life. But I feel the biggest downfall has been a lack of willingness to take the first step and initiate the change. Not that God couldn't work change in my life but a lack of faith on my part was preventing anything from happening.

Well I've now taken the first step and change is here. Thank God for grace and second chances and never giving up on us.

I don't know where exactly life is going and where I'm headed. But a new season in my life has begun and God is leading the way.

A man's steps are directed by the LORD.
How then can anyone understand his own way?
Proverbs 20:24

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