Thursday, July 7, 2011

Toy Box

Soap Box Blog Time! Everybody's Favorite!!!

So I was walking back from Starbucks and overheard a girl tell her sister she was too old for the toy store. First thing's first, that's wrong. You're never too old for the toy store. In fact, the toy store gets better as you get older right? Maybe that's just me.

Here's my bigger issue with this comment. How are you going to tell a kid that's probably between the ages of 8 and 10 that she's too old for the toy store? Are you kidding me?

I've said a lot lately about how we speak to each other and treat our girls and about the state of the human heart and growing up too fast and this is an instant that tears my heart.

Because I understand the older sister probably just wants to run her errand be done and going to the store is going to hinder whatever schedule she's on but these words could be really damaging. A harsh tone, yelling at a little girl, telling her she's too old for the toy store. My heart hurts... It doesn't seem like much but these words could have a damning impact.

You never know how the words you speak are being taken. Speak carefully. And go to the toy store!

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