Monday, August 1, 2011

God Anthology

The God Anthology series is now over. I'm a little sad to see it end. God wrecked my world in all sorts of good ways during this series. And I'm excited for the future and what's next but when something is so good and moving and life and perspective changing, it's tough to move on. I will probably revisit these sermons again especially the first two (Mystery and Holiness). My life was in flux was this series started and God used it to show himself in new ways to me.

I won't re-chronicle every message and my thought process with each one as I've already done a good job in getting my thoughts on each message to this blog.

But my question is what now? What do I do with the feelings and thoughts and ideas that came out of God Anthology? There were a lot of passions re-ignited and new passions and purposes created. God had been creating a stirring in my spirit for a couple months and it all came pouring out over this series. I saw God move in my life in new ways, spiritually, personally, and relationally. On the night I heard Pastor Mark speak on God's Sovereignty, God brought this character to light, as I was feeling so overwhelmed with gratitude and God's goodness, full of praise, only to come home to find out my cousins 11 month old baby was going to die... How was I going to respond?

The A.W. Tozer quote "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." is a quote that kicked off each message and throughout God Anthology what comes into my mind when I think about God has changed. And it will continue to change as I grow and learn more. I'm so grateful for this series.

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