Thursday, December 10, 2009

Morning thoughts

So I had a dream last night where I was in my mid 50's and was all alone. No wife, no kids. Just me. It was very sad.

It gets me thinking. God said in Genesis that it's not good for man to be alone and brought Eve to Adam and from their we have the ideal of marriage and relationship and all that fine wine.

But I think people of the bible believing faith tend to forget is Paul's word to the fine folks at Corinth. You know, the part where he says it'd be better if we had more self-control and could fully commit ourselves to the cause of Christ because when we're married our time, energy, focus is split. It presents an interesting argument that is never argued or discussed. Of course Paul does say if you're horny and can't control yourself to go ahead and get married. Is the church full of super horny people?

My intent isn't to be crude or make light of things written in the bible. But it makes me think a little. And it brings up two thoughts, one of which I've had for a while and one that is new to me.

First comes my thought that Paul's letter's are awesome but they are Paul's letters and his writing and thoughts. It's the word of man inspired by God.

Secondly is the thought that maybe the idea of it not being good for man to be alone has nothing to with marriage at all. Maybe it has more to do with community and relationship with fellow believers and nothing to do with marriage at all.


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