Monday, August 6, 2007

Through Wounds We Soon Will Stitch

Revelations are nice to get but man can they hurt.

I read Christine Caine's book "Stop Acting Like a Christian, Just be One" and it was pretty good. There's a 31 day "devotional" at the end and I'm going through it and keeping a journal. Being honest with myself has sometimes kept me from keeping a journal because when I start typing it's hard for me to stop. I've come to find the more I write, the more I talk, the more insightful I become about my life. Which is great but tonight was insight that brought me to tears. For the first time I can to see that what I saw as my biggest weakness and pint of setback is actually a slap in the face to God and it's me telling him I don't like who you made me. It hurt me to come to this place but now the healing and transformation can come.

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