Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Car said something the other day that isn't really profound, but it's such a Home Simpson Doh moment, because we all come to this place (over and over again). Car said this:

"I guess my plan was not Gods plan."

It feels dumb to have to acknowledge but I've had to say this a lot. I've had to say this recently. I feel like this statement always comes when I think I am doing what God wants, but in actuality I'm just doing what I want or what I want God to want for me. Mark Batterson tweeted this the yesterday;

"Is your vision your agenda 4 God? Or is your vision His agenda 4 you? "

I've said it to people recently, that I'm not sure what God's calling on my life is. And I'm alright with that, I'd just like to knowing his calling on me right now. Right? But I don't even have that. But I'm spending time in prayer trying to figure this next step out. Whatever it may be.

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