Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thought Provoking Christianity

I often wonder what it's like to be someone who never has questions about there theology or their spirituality or morality. Or anything for that matter. Because my life seems to be a constant questioning and rethinking about life, God, and the universe. Not to say that my faith is in a constant state of doubt and turmoil, but I do often have issues with things when I'm reading scripture. Jay Bakker preached two Sundays ago about seeing everything in the bible through Jesus. The Gospel test is what he called it.

People who questions what seem like basic bible principles publicly normally get a bad rap. Brian McLaren just released a book called A New Kind of Christianity, and I think mainstream christianity hasn't been really kind to him and what he has to say. I haven't read that book yet. If ever I have some spare money I will be buying this and giving it a read. Jay Bakker loves the book, and I'm into what Jay Bakker has had to say about it so I'm positive. Not that Jay Bakker is mainstream christianitys favorite person.

Listening to Jay Bakker's sermons every week has really been key in my life lately. Jay's a theology guy. He spends a lot of time getting really in depth in the word. Jay's a study. But Jay also has a lot of questions about the bible and listening to Jay is listening to a guy working out his spiritual walk with others. Jay asks a lot of questions that I have. And I don't always agree or take what Jay says at face value, it's good to listen to a pastor preach what's he's going through and his questions.

The idea that questioning the bible is a bad thing to do as a christian has always seemed ridiculous to me. There's far too much about the bible I don't understand and the more I read it, the more questions I have. And working through those questions and working through my doubts is what brings me closer to God, and closer to an understanding and knowledge of who he is. I've been like this since high school, and even when my intentions for questioning weren't good, it still helped me work through a lot of things.

My theology and thoughts about God are always changing. And yes, there are basic ideas that never change and those ideas are what connect me to christians I might not agree with. And though there are people whose theology I will probably never completely agree with, that is the beauty of the body of Christ. We are all different people, with different backgrounds and different stories and different ideas of God. And Jesus sent his son to die for us and save us all. And ever though certain ideas are always in flux, the grace and love of God that saves me never changes. And that's a beautiful thing.

Ask questions.

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