Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving is a couple of days away. I'm pretty excited. Good food. I love turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, pumpkin pie... I'm hungry. Tomorrow or Thursday I'll have a post on being thankful and the things that I'm very appreciative of this year.

I'd be lying if I said anything other then I'm super excited for Christmas. I've done 95% of my shopping thus far (which turned out to be even bigger then thought). I love christmas. It's very exciting. I get far too into giving. I love buying christmas gifts for people. I did it last year and I'm doing it again. I have a lot of joy giving gifts. It's exciting. I wish I had that same joy all year.

The other reason I love Christmas is the music. Not the same dozen cheesy songs you hear on the radio. More like...

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