Sunday, July 18, 2010

I could put your car on blocks...

So my brothers are part of an internship at their church. On Thursday night the guys had a "camp" out at my parents house. The girls decided it would be funny to show up late at night and prank the boys. The girls were major failures. Instead of showing up with water balloons or shaving cream or something useful, the girls, who were loud and weren't very good at hiding, showed up with ice. It was a pour attempt at a prank and in the end the guys did a better job of scaring the girls.

So the boys decided the next morning that they needed to get the girls back. I was around and I was an encourager. It sounded like a good idea to me. Pranks are always awesome. My first idea was of course to take one of the girl's cars and put it on blocks. The guys weren't interested in such an extreme idea and just wrapped a bunch of cars in saran wrap.

When I was in high school I was pretty good at the whole prank thing. We had some minor tp wars in the day. I remember a car covered in soap before it was tped in the winter. There was the famous chocolate sauce all over the kitchen counters... That was a good one. We never put a car on blocks but there was a deflated tire once. I mean, my friends and me were stupid in high school. Racing from one friends house to church during rush hour... not smart. And other things that aren't to be mentioned (I don't want to give anyone any ideas).

A random post.

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