Monday, February 4, 2013

God Cares

I love moments in scripture when God's character is revealed.

Yes, I know, the Bible is all about God's character. I get that. But I think we'd all agree that there are moments when we read something that reveals something special. Like what makes "Jesus wept" such a good verse is the verse that follows.

"The people who were standing nearby said, See how much he loved him!" (John 11:36)

You see how deeply and genuinely Jesus loved his friend. Even though he was about to bring him back to life, the death of his friend and his loved for him caused him to grieve outwardly. 

Exodus 2 ends with the verse "So God look on the Israelites and was concerned about them." (Verse 25).

The Israelites are in slavery, being mistreated and have been crying out to God to save them. God hears their prayers and is concerned for his people. It was a great reminder that God cares about us and what happens to us. It was a great reminder that when things aren't going well or life is tough that God hears us and more than that, he's concerned for us.

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