Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012: Adventure Is Out There

To be honest 2012 was probably the worst year of my life. Nothing excited happened and there's really nothing to share. I just hope 2013 is 110% percent better than 2012.

Or you know... The exact opposite of that.

2012 was pretty awesome. Best year yet? I think so.

It was a year full of adventures and firsts. Some hardships but mostly 2012 was full of joy and growth.

I think the most obvious and most awesome happening in 2012 was... I GOT ENGAGED!
I knew pretty on in 2012 that I was going to ask Amanda to marry me and in October, I did! Stoked about starting a new life with Amanda in 2013. She's been the most amazingly supportive woman I've ever known. It's been a tremendous blessing getting to do life with her this past year and getting to fall deeper and deeper in love with her!

Second best moment on 2012? This little guy being born!
How flipping cute is he!!!! That's my nephew Brody! He's so cute! I love this little guy!

2012 was full of lots of adventures and firsts as well.

Amanda and I did tons of stuff.

My beautiful wife-tobe surprised me when we went to Alabama in September with tickets to see the Braves at Turner Field!!!
One of my life goals was to see the Braves in Atlanta and my baby made that happen! And it was Chipper's final home game!!! And the Braves won!!! It was an absolutely amazing experience!

We also took a sailing lesson (and was pretty good at it, I think). My obsession with ships and sailing led to Amanda getting this lesson and it was so much fun!

We took a great trip to Boston in August. A weekend crammed full which included touring the Sam Adam's Brewery and Fenway Park!

And tons more. Honestly, if there was something to do in 2012, we probably did it. Or attempted to do it. Lots of wine tastings, 5K's, a trip to the beach, canoeing, Octoberfest and much, much more! We had a fun year together. A solid start to a lifetime together!

I got to do some cool stuff musically in 2012.

A co-wrote a song that was released this year and I played guitar on another track. I got to play drums on the National Mall in front of the Washington Monument and played on the ellipse in front of the White House!
I feel like my musical skills as a drummer, bassist, and guitarist were all greatly improved this year.

Honestly, I think more than anything else this year I just learned to love life and be myself. I relied a lot on God to come through and answer prayers. And he did. Not the way I wanted them answered always, but always on time. God's faithfulness was all around me. There were some tough moments where my faith and strength wavered... But he never did.

2012 was an amazing year and I'm stoked for 2013!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Bryan! Looking forward to 2013 with you!