So next Monday night at 8pm Eastern Standard Time will be the final 2 hours of 24. So next week I will in my mourning and tears post a retrospective about how awesome a show 24 was and how television as whole will be much much worse with it off the air. This post is my predictions about things that might, but probably won't, happen on 24 in it's closing hours next week.
So Fox ran it's preview for next weeks 2 hour series finale and there were a lot of clips and all of them were very interesting. To be honest you can get a grasp of what's going to happen but it's hard to have firm details. But I have some ideas.
People Jack will have to kill:
Cole - I was starting to like good old Freddie Prinze Jr but Chloe had to go and set him free and looking for Jack. It's not that Cole deserves to die but he's going to get in the way and Jack is going to have to take him.
President Yuri Suvarov - The Russian President is going to die. He order the hit on Freckles and Jack is going to plant a bullet in his heart.
President Taylor - This seems like a small stretch that Jack would have to kill President Taylor but.... I can't rule it out. She covered up the Russian involvement and tried to quiet Jack. Ever since then she's made just about every bad move you could think of. For Jack to kill the President would be insane but he's going to have to flee the country when this is all said and done anyway so President Taylor is on notice.
Chloe - This probably will not happen. Chloe is Jack's closest and only friend. She's the longest running character not named Jack on 24. I know some fans would be happy to see Chloe take a bullet from Jack but it would be sad. This season started out as Jack's chance at a real life and real happiness and now he's crazy. But it's clear from the preview that Chloe is with Jack and it would be a major twist if Jack had to shot and kill Chloe. Everyone who knows Jack dies... Chloe isn't safe.
Jason Pillar - Dead
People who will not die:
Charles Logan - Logan is one lucky bastard. He's pure evil. To the core. But Logan will get to live. It's unfair and unjust and ultimately it would be right if Jack found Logan and shot him. But Logan is headed the hospital and Jack has bigger fish to fry so Logan will live through 24.
Jack Bauer! - Why are people so set that Jack is going to die at the end of this season? They keep talking about a movie version of 24. You wouldn't do a movie version of 24 if Jack was going to die. Jack is the man. He might get arrested yes but he's not going to die. LIke I said, Jack is going to have to flee the country but he's going to live. He's Jack f-ing Bauer!
Next week will bring an end to the greatest show on television. It's be both awesome and sad.
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