As Chloe and Jack shared their goodbye on screen and Jack Bauer disappeared, never to be seen on television again, I shed a tear and poured one out for America's greatest hero.
8 seasons over 9 years and a 2 hour tv movie is what 24 has left behind. 8 days of Jack kicking ass, taking names, and making America a little safer. And now it is no more.
24 brought us the first Black American President an the first female President. We saw Air Force One blown up and a presidential podium blown to bits, leaving both of those seasons respective presidents left in critical condition. We saw a crooked President who was involved in terrorist activity and a President cover up a terrorist conspiracy for political gain.

Re-watching season 1, it's almost shocking the Fox gave it the room to grow and build a fan base. Season 1 was plot based. The writers created twists and turns that kept the viewer interested and wanting to come back and watch more. Season 2 gave us explosions and the ridiculous cougar incident. But it was Season 3 where 24 hit it's stride. Jack went undercover with a mexican drug ring to get his hands on biological weapons. He encounters Nina Myers, who killed Jack's wife Teri in season 1, and Jack in the end kills her. It was just the right mix of action and story twists. From there, 24 was on top.
Seasons 4 and 5 saw growth in the ratings with only a minor a dip in ratings during season 6. But a season off the air due to the writers strike was just enough to tip the scales against 24. High productions costs and lower ratings during season 7 and low ratings during season 8 were enough for Fox to call an end the the shows run. With hopes that a movie is coming gives 24 fans a little something to look forward to but next January when Jack isn't on tv, it'll be a sad winter.
I've watched 24 since season 1 and have loved every minute of it. I'm sad to see go.

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