I write because it helps me get things off my chest and it keeps a certain sense of creativity flowing through me. But today I'm writing to have a record of things I'm learning, something I can come back to. So sorry kids, no crazy youtube video, music video, or song lyrics today. (does anyone read this crap anyway?)
Spiritually I've felt like I've been getting my ass kicked lately. Knowing what God has called of me and what he wants me to be a part of and about and not getting anywhere close to it. Plus dealing with cleaning out my emotional and spiritual closet and figuring out who I am as a person and in God and it's been a tough or so for me spiritually.
I'd like to spend my time praying outdoors. But I'm a spoiled American and when it's hot and humid I'm inside and when it's freezing cold I'm inside. That leaves a couple months a year when I can spend my time praying outdoors. The reason I like being outdoors is that there's something about being in God's creation, just him and me that opens me up. I don't "pray" very good. The best way for me to talk to God is by actually talking to him, just rapping and letting him know what's up. And God gets that because at some point as I'm talking I say something profound (not really profound but it's always is exactly what I need to hear/say at that moment). Everytime. EVERYTIME!
I'm always amazed at how simple the revelation fo God can be. And what struck me tonight was it's not about where I am. I don't have to be perfect and have everything in my life figured out or lined up to be out there doing what God's called me to do. It's not about me, it's about God. Mark batterson has a saying that I really like. "Don't let what's wrong with you keep you from worshipping what's right with God." This is the same thing. I shouldn't let what's wrong with me stop me from doing the work of God. My imperfections can't stop his perfection. So I need to be out there doing what God has called me to do.
The other thing was I need to stop jumping God's timing. If God has promosied me something but said it's not time I don't need to be out there trying to make it the right time. It never works and it only makes me mad.
Alright, I lied about no video. I've been listening to Josh Tillman's record "Long May You Run" the past couple of nights and I'm completely loving the record. Here's his video for "Seven States Across". Enjoy some good sad bastard music.
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