Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tread on my Dreams

I'm a litte down right now and it's based on some confussion. One of my goals in life to travel and see as many new places as I can. To go out and see the world and experience new things. Good deal right? I'm taking a vacation in November. I wanted to go Ireland. It's a little too expensive for me. England is cheaper but something doesn't feel right about going to London. Am I crazy? Who would pass up a chance to go to London? I am... I am crazy.


Facedown Fest East Coast is September 29. I'm excited. I didn't go to the last Facedown Fest (although I wish did, N.I.V. was there.) In honor of Facedown Fest I give you Alove for Enemies. They're playing one of their last shows at the fest. Here's their video for "Tread on My Dreams".

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