So I was out of the country last week. My trip produced a bunch of thoughts that I will share in a completely random post full of utter nonsense. So... let's have fun.
Interstate 95 has more cars traveling on it from Canada then one would think. This isn't the first time I've noticed this but my last two trips on 95 I've noticed a high volume of cars from Ontario and Quebec on the interstate.
The state of Florida has more license plate variations then I thoughts were possible. I counted close to 24 different plates but there might have been more. It's nuts. I didn't know there were that many custom plates available for one state... but good job Florida. Giving the people options
My passport photo is terrible. It's really bad. I'm reminded of Schemer from Shining Time Station anytime I look at it. (Does anyone even remember that show?)
War Inc is an incredible movie and I'm ashamed I don't own it on dvd. Caught the movie at a hotel in Florida and I loved it. Reminded me of Gross Point blank. This will be a dvd purchase. Movie was great!
I finally saw The Blindside. The movie was good. Not as great as people said it was. I missed the first 15-30 minutes though... I later caught the start of the movie but it was in Spanish. I got the gist of what was happening but I feel like the language barrier messed with the emotional weight of what was happening.
7 days with no communication with my girlfriend is too much. That can't happen again.
I also watched The Invention of Lying. I heard that movie wasn't so great but I thought it was funny.
It is hot in Mexico and I think I should stop sending my resume to places that are so hot. I dislike the weather in the summer and why would I want to live somewhere where it was hot all the time? That sounds like a terrible idea.
My Spanish is no good.
There are more billboards for South of the Border in North Carolina heading south on 95 then there are in South Carolina heading north.
I watched cricket for a week. It took pretty much the entire week but I now think I understand the sport of cricket. That's right, a week out of the country and even though it was cricket, I still watched ESPN every day.
I could eat a steak and baked potato everyday.
Having a beard is enough to have the customs agent ask if you were born in the USA.
I sail very poorly
My musical selection for the week.
Anberlin - Blueprints For the Black Market
Anberlin - Never Take Friendship Personal
The Glorious Unseen - Tonight The Stars Speak
Hammock - CHasing After Shadows... Living With the Ghost
Haste the Day - Attack of the Wolf King
Haste the Day - Dreamer
A Hope For Home - Realis
House of Heroes - Suburba
Living Sacrifice - The Infinite Order
N.I.V. - Flesh and Blood
N.I.V. - Tipping The Scales
Norma Jean - Meridional
Project 86 - Songs to Burn Your Bridges By
Thrice - Beggars
Wrench in the Works - Decrease/Increase
Wrench in the Works - Lost Art of Heaping Coal
That's it. I'm glad to be back home.
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