While I've covered a lot of hockey on this blog and I my love for the Caps strong, I'm a fan of football and the Redskins. SO I'm going to post some thoughts on the biggest name this offseason and training, Albert Haynesworth.
I didn't like the signing of Albert from the get go. It was too much money for a guy who hadn't played an entire season in 6 years. Plus, giving a guy that much money to come and play in the dysfunctional mad house that was the Redskins last year... Not good. And of course, Albert got hurt, often. He pulled himself out of plays whenever he did play because after one play he had to suck oxygen.
So a new GM and coaching staff comes in over the offseason and the entire team shows up to OTAs and all the offseason training. Even Clinton Portis showed up and has worked hard and kept his mouth shut. But ALbert took his 20 million dollar check and never bothered to show in Ashburn to Redskins Park and train. So he was warned that if he didn't show up at 50% or more of the offseason training sessions and mini-camps that he would have to take a conditioning test when we did arrive at training camp. If he failed, he couldn't practice.
And that's where we today. Day 7 of training camp and Albert hasn't practiced yet. He took the conditioning test twice and failed. He's been sitting out with a "sore knee" since Saturday. And my thought it the Skins need to just take the salary cap it and cut the guy. What good is he? Mike Shanahan needs to continue to not let Albert practice until he passes the test. If his knee is really sore that means he took a conditioning test twice and is injured. Not a good sign for the season. I don't want someone who is a guaranteed injury this season. If he's not really hurt and is just being a bitch about taking the test, that's not a guy you want on your team. Sorry folks, the Skins defense, and team as a whole, is far better off with Haynesworth not on the team. He's a super distraction. Thank God for Brett Favre retirement nonsense to make Haynesworth a side note on Sports Center this morning.
My hope is that Shanahan doesn't give in and let Albert practice with passing the conditioning test. At some point the Skins are going to take away his money and maybe that will get Albert on the field.
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