So I took my brother out to dinner for his birthday tonight. Got some Bar-B-Que. Yummy stuff.
So the waitress asked about my bible verse tattoo (Matthew 22:37-39). I explained that it was the great commandment and she asked if I lived my life that way. I said I was trying to and she moved on.
I got this verse tattooed on my arm as a code to live by. At the time in my life when I decided to get a tattoo (this one was my first), I had refocused my spiritual life and this was the verse that was my guide and direction for how I was to strive toward becoming like Christ. This was my theology. This was my christianity. To love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. And to love those around me as if I were loving myself.
The moments I regret getting this tattoo is those moments when I fail so hard at keeping these commands. Whenever I treat people poorly, I have a constant reminder on my arm that I've done wrong. I'm trying to get better at these two commands. I'm working everyday at loving God more and more with every aspect of my life. The loving others part is harder. There are people that are so hard for me to be nice to. We all have them in our lives. I want to treat people better. Be a nicer guy.
On an unrelated matter, feel free to ask me about my tattoos. I like talking about them. I love having tattoos. And sorry mom and future mom, but I'm going to get more. Tattoos are awesome!
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