Had a great day yesterday hanging out downtown. Left the house about noon and took the train to Tenleytown for a little Z Burger. Pretty good burger. Just a small step below Five Guys but still a good lunch. I decided to skid hitting up Melody records because the idea of carrying vinyl with me for the rest of the day seemed like a terrible idea. So we took Metro to the Cherry Blossoms. We found a nice spot under a tree and just layed there for a half an hour or so. Took a walk around and just took pictures and enjoyed the great weather. Then walked over to Ebenezers Coffeehouse for a NCC Saturday night service. Took the train home and got Chipotle. Chipotle is about my favorite food. Love their burritos. Caught the end of the Uconn/Michigan ST game. The Michigan State win prompted my mom to call and rub that in my face. Very classy mom. Becky and Jake came over and we went to Baileys for some dessert and drinks and then to the theater to see Monsters vs Aliens. An alright movie. A good Saturday.
Today I mostly chilled. Went over to my parents to eat their food and watch their tv. Came home and watched some Family Guy and The Braves kick off the 09 baseball season with win!
This is also the last day of my 40 day lent fast which means an extra large Dunkin Donuts coffee for BP. A lot has happened... kind of, in the last 40 days and I'l write about it tomorrow. Goodnight.
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