Tuesday, October 23, 2007

All Good Things Must Come to an End

It's been a good couple of days for me. By good I mean I've bought a lot of movies for really cheap.

The Hollywood Video in Bethesda is closed. Today was it's last day open. So I hit it up Friday to check it out and hoping to pick up a couple of movies on the cheap. I didn't have high hopes because they were down to 75%. My experience with 75% off at Tower wasn't great and so I thought Hollywood would be empty. But I was wrong. A little hesitant at first, I ended up leaving with 10 movies and some candy. A documentary and some indie films I had been meaning to check out. It only cost me $33.

So I decided to stop in on Monday after work, just to check it out. I heard the cashier tell someone else everything was 90% off. I didn't want to spend an hour or two looking through movies like I had on Friday so I just bought a couple of horror films I enjoyed in theaters but would've never paid full dvd price for.

So today being the last day they were open, I put my computer to work and took my lunch break at Hollywood Video. Spent probably 45 minutes looking through dvds until my arms could hold no more. Went to check out and grabbed an arm full of gummy bears (I love gummy bears). Today I picked up 16 dvd's and gummy bears for $18.

God Bless America!

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